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Ways to Get Involved

  • Organization Partners + Collaborators

    Survivor advocates, healing practitioners, storytellers, researchers, et al: we’d love to work with you! Braver Collective welcomes organizational partners to help shape our offerings, share vetted resources and strengthen our collective impact.

  • Volunteers

    We’re always looking for passionate, kind individuals willing to give their time, energy and expertise to our growing community. From helping promote the Collective on social media to offering feedback, we’d love your help supporting survivors.

  • Survivor Leadership Council

    Survivors, help shape the Collective! The Council meets 3-4 times a year for “co-design” workshops, where we get creative and collaborate to guide Braver’s present and future offerings. One-year terms are paid $100 per session.

  • Speakers, Workshops, Training + Outreach

    Is your group or organization looking for survivor advocates to hear and learn from? We’re always open to inquiries and invitations!

  • Donate to Braver

    Braver is backed by a community of generous corporate, philanthropic, and individual supporters who share our commitment to survivor healing. Get in touch to discuss a potential gift. 

Thank you for your interest in working with Braver Collective! We look forward to learning more, and we’ll be in touch as soon as we’re able.

Other Ways to Contact Us



10 Town Plaza, #138

Durango, CO 81301

